University of Manchester
CLL-Sardinia file.xlsx (284.65 kB)

CLL incidence in Sardinia

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posted on 2023-06-28, 16:05 authored by Pierluigi CoccoPierluigi Cocco

COMMUNES   IN 1971 Administrative units   

0-4f Number of cases, women, age 0-4   

PY 0-4f Person-years, women, age 0-4   

5-14f Number of cases, women, age 5-14   

Py5-14 f Person-years, women, age 5-14   

15/24 f Number of cases, women, age 15-24   

Py15-24f Person-years, women, age 15-24   

25/34 f Number of cases, women, age 25-34   

Py 25-34 f Person-years, women, age 25-34   

35/44f Number of cases, women, age 35-44   

Py 35-44 f Person-years, women, age 35-44   

45/54f Number of cases, women, age 45-54   

Py 45-54 f Person-years, women, age 45-54   

55/64f Number of cases, women, age 55-64   

Py55-64 f Person-years, women, age 55-64   

65/74f Number of cases, women, age 65-74   

Py 65-74 f Person-years, women, age 65-74   

75+ f Number of cases, women, age 75+   

Py 75+ f Person-years, women, age 75+  

tot obs F Total female cases   

sir fem standardized incidence rate (Sardinian female population)   

tot exp F Total expected female cases (Sardinian population)   

0-4 m Number of cases, men, age 0-4   

Py 0-4 m Person-years, men, age 0-4   

5-14 m Number of cases, men, age 5-14   

Py 5-14 m Person-years, men, age 5-14   

15-24 m Number of cases, men, age 15-24   

Py15-24 m Person-years, men, age 15-24   

/34m Number of cases, men, age 25-34   

Py 25-34 m Person-years, men, age 25-34   

35/44m Number of cases, men, age 35-44   

Py 35-44 m Person-years, men, age 35-44   

45/54m Number of cases, men, age 45-54   

Py 45-54 m Person-years, men, age 45-54   

55/64m Number of cases, men, age 55-64   

Py 55-64 m  Person-years, men, age 55-64   

65/74m Number of cases, men, age 65-74

Py 65-74 m Person-years, men, age 65-74   

75+ m Number of cases, men, age 75+   

Py 75+ m Person-years, men, age 75+   

tot obs M Total male cases   

sir males standardized incidence rate (Sardinian male population)   

tot exp M Total expected male cases (Sardinian population)   

PY FemTot Total person-years (women)   

PY males Tot Total person-years (men)   

sir tot standardized incidence rate (total Sardinian population)   

tot obs Total cases    

tot exp Total expected   

eldprop proportion of aged ≥ 75 years over the total resident population   

Deprivindex  0 - 4 = increasing quintiles of the deprivation index score   

DistHosp 0 = ≤ 13 km, 1 = 14-21 km, 2 = 22 - 29 km, 3 = ≥ 30   km   

Rurbcat 0 = rural, 1 = intermediate, 2 = urban   

Geocat 0 = quaternary or subsequent marine deposits; 1 = basalt and other effusive volcanic rocks; 2   = granite and intrusive volcanic rocks; 3 = metamorphic rocks.   

Radon probability of a-emission from radon daughters above 300 Bq/m3: 0 = ≤ 5%; 1 = 6-10%, 2 = 11-20%; 3 = 21-30%; 4 = 31% or more   

cat/res  0-3 = increasing quartiles of the cattle /resident ratio   

shp/res  0-3 = increasing quartiles of the sheep /resident ratio  

goat/res  0-3 = increasing quartiles of the goats/resident ratio   

Bigg_ind Bordering with industrial settlements 0= No; 1 = Yes  

Bigg_cork High prevalence of cork harvesting 0= No; 1 = Yes   

Bigg_mil Bordering with military settlements 0= No; 1 = Yes    


Research ethics approval number

PG 2019/18070

Usage metrics

    School of Health Sciences



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