Isospin-violating dark matter at liquid noble detectors: new constraints, future projections, and an exploration of target complementarity -- auxillary material and data
Description of data associated with arXiv:2302.05458 [ ] accepted for publication in EPJC : "Isospin-violating dark matter at liquid noble detectors: new constraints, future projections, and an exploration of target complementarity"
1. "2DSuppressions" - Figure 6, 9 and 10
Suppression of the limits with mass and coupling ratio
Naming: '2dsup-TAR-oN.txt' where TAR='ar' or 'xe' and N=operator number
Example: 2dsup-ar-o1.txt
For TAR='ar', the possible operators are 1,3,5,8,11
For TAR='xe', the possible operators are 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.11
Data is saved as a 2d array, where the suppression is evaluated at
masses = np.logspace(1.2,4,30)
ratioarray = np.linspace(-1,1,51)
2. "2DLimits" - Figure 6 (bottom right) and Figure 11
Projected exclusion limit with mass and coupling ratio
These were shown in the article only as a ratio ar versus xe, here we provide the data separately
Naming: '2dlimit-TAR-oN.txt' where TAR='ar' or 'xe' and N=operator number
For TAR='ar', the possible operators are 1,3,5,8,11
For TAR='xe', the possible operators are 1,3,5,8,11
Data is saved as a 2d array, where the suppression is evaluated at
masses = np.logspace(1.2,4,30)
ratioarray = np.linspace(-1,1,51)
3. "ProjectedLimits_operators" - Figure 7, 12 and 13
Projected limits on the dark matter-nucleon interaction effective cross section for DS20k and LZ for specific coupling ratio values, for various NREFT operators
Naming: 'limitEXPCNCP_oOP.txt' where EXP='ds20k' or 'lz'
where OP = {1,3,5,8,11}
Example: limitds20k1.00_o1.txt
Values of the coupling ratio CNCP depend on the operator:
coupling_ratios_o1 = [-0.83,-0.72,1.]
coupling_ratios_o3 = [-0.920, 1., 1.]
coupling_ratios_o5 = [-0.833, -0.180, 1.]
coupling_ratios_o8 = [-0.830, -0.340, 1.]
coupling_ratios_o11 = [-0.833, -0.733, 1.]
These files are have columns: MASS (GeV), XSEC (cm2)
4. "ProjectedLimits_SISD" - Figure 4
Projected limits on the gauge invariant spin-independent and spin-dependent models
Naming: limitEXPproj_phiX_theta_Y-MODEL.txt
where EXP = 'ds20k' or 'lz'
MODEL = 'SI' or 'SD'
and X and Y are the phi and theta values to 2 dec. places
The values of phi and theta available depend on the model:
thetas = [0.3333,0.4646, 0]
phis = [0.7272, 0.0707, 1/8]
SI :
thetas = [0.4515,0.6220,0]
phis = [ 0.4147,0.9799,1/8]
These files are have columns: MASS (GeV), LIMIT
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