Three files consisting of a txt file dataset of gamma radiation count observations, with SLAM estimated position, and a 2D SLAM map of the Lancaster University Neutron Laboratory (LUNL).
The LUNL_radiation_data.txt consists of comma separated values, with a header row indicating the data types. Timestamp is with respect to Unix Epoch time (as is standard in ROS). Spatial coordinates of the robot x, y, z are in metres. As the robot is a ground level 2D robot, the SLAM estimate restricts the Z height to be roughly constant. Only x and y data are necessary. The counts data are in counts per second, indicating the number of events collected over a ~1 second time window by a CeBr3 scintillator detector and mixed field analyser.
The map file (.pgm) is a trinary (three value) map generated by SLAM via ROS (Robot Operating System). The three values related to occupied (obstacles and physical features, such as walls), unoccupied (free-space), and unknown.
The map metadata file (.yaml) provides values to convert pixel position of the map file into coordinates (in metres).
Data was originally collected 05/12/2019 (in ROS bag format), which was interrogated to provide the data in the .txt file.
This dataset is then post-processed to provide interpolated maps of gamma radiation, based on the point observations and maps in these files.
TORONE - TOtal characterisation for Remote Observation in Nuclear Environments
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council