Montreal Cognitive Assessment - vision impaired validation
This data set is referred to in the paper Dawes, P., et al. (in press). Development and validation of the Montreal cognitive assessment for people with vision impairment (MoCA-VI). Psychological Assessment.
Vision loss is common among older adults and impacts performance on cognitive screening tests, resulting in over-estimation of cognitive impairment. But validated screening tests for people with vision impairment are lacking. These data pertain to the development and validation of a version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment for adults with acquired vision impairment.
The protocol for the development of the MoCA-VI was published in 2019: Dawes, P., Pye, A., Reeves, D., Yeung, W. K., Sheikh, S., Thodi, C., ... & Leroi, I. (2019). Protocol for the development of versions of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for people with hearing or vision impairment. BMJ open, 9(3), e026246.