University of Manchester

Raw Data for 'The effects of coagulation factors and their inhibitors on proliferation and migration in colorectal cancer'.

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posted on 2023-05-12, 10:50 authored by Peter Adam Rees, John CastleJohn Castle, Hamish Clouston, Urvashi Singh, Sarah Duff, Cliona C. Kirwan

One Excel file consisting of raw data from the paper 'The effects of coagulation factors and their inhibitors on proliferation and migration in colorectal cancer' by Rees et al. 09MAY2023.

The Excel file is divided into tabs showing the raw data used for each of the Figures presented in the paper, e.g. Tab 1 = Figure 1A. Each tab contains a header row identifying the colorectal cancer cell line used and the experiment conditions.

Figures 1 provides the raw data for proliferation experiments conducted using the colorectal cancer cell lines SW620 and DLD-1 with the addition of the coagulation factors thrombin (Fig 1A/1B), factor Xa (Fig 1C/1D) and tissue factor (Fig 1E/1F). Fold change in fluorescence normalised to time point 0 hours is shown. 

Figure 2 provides the raw data for proliferation experiments conducted using the colorectal cancer cell line SW620 with the addition of the coagulation factor thrombin and its inhibitor dabigatran, solely and in combination, plus its untreated vehicle control. Fold change in fluorescence normalised to time point 0 hours is shown. 

Figure 3 provides the raw data for migration experiments conducted using the colorectal cancer cell line DLD-1 with the addition of the coagulation factors thrombin (Fig 3A), factor Xa (Fig 3B) and tissue factor (Fig 3C). Number of migrated cells per x200 field on light microscopy is shown.

Figure 4 provides the raw data for migration experiments conducted using the colorectal cancer cell line DLD-1 with the addition of the coagulation factors and their respective inhibitors: thrombin and dabigatran (Fig 4A), factor Xa and rivaroxaban (Fig 4B) and tissue factor and anti-tissue factor antibody 10H10 (Fig 4C). Number of migrated cells per x200 field on light microscopy is shown.


This work was in part supported by a one-year research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and a Medical Research Grant from the Bupa Foundation.


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