Supplementary Data Table A1 DNA Extraction for "Target site (knockdown resistance) gene mutations and population genetic structure of Aedes aegypti in Saudi Arabia"
DNA extraction can be performed using any mosquito developmental stage (larvae, pupae or adult) or part of the body, i.e., legs or half of a larva. However, the extractions were performed in the adult stage. There is a phenol-chloroform extraction method that is known for the good quality and high concentration (Surendran et al. 2013). Additionally, DNA extraction techniques using Chelex and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) are used for mosquitoes, where the Chelex technique is recommended for all stages of Ae. aegypti (de la Cruz-Ramos et al. 2019). Due to the time consumption of these techniques and previous experience in our laboratory, I used DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (QIAGEN Sciences, Germantown, MD, USA) for the genomic DNA extraction following the insect protocol d90b8542421e&lang=en.