Supplementary Data Table A2 Maximum Likelihood estimates/ relatedness for "Target site (knockdown resistance) gene mutations and population genetic structure of Aedes aegypti in Saudi Arabia"
Although the gravid females of Ae. aegypti deposit eggs individually and can distribute them to multiple sites (skip oviposition) (Corbet and Chadee 1993); they lay on average 52.7 eggs per batch (Rey and O'Connell 2014). Larvae sampled from containers are expected to have closely related individuals (Schmidt et al. 2018), which can bias population structure analyses (Goldberg and Waits 2010). Therefore, a kinship analysis was conducted using ML-relate software to determine the likelihood of relatedness and relationship between individuals (Kalinowski et al. 2006). The input file was divided into 6 populations (main collected regions). Results on kinship are shown in the (Additional file A: Table A3). To minimize the number of siblings in the analysis, researchers tend to use a maximum of five adults per trap and 2-3 larvae per ovitrap or container (Rašić et al. 2014, Schmidt et al. 2018). In some cases where multiple larval containers are found, an individual mosquito is genotyped per container (Shi et al. 2017, Kumar et al. 2021, Elnour et al. 2022). Other researches may use more, i.e. a maximum of 5-8 specimens per container (Rasheed et al. 2013, Fernando et al. 2020). We aimed to genotype a maximum of 2-3 individuals per container except for large containers where we used up to 5 individuals.