University of Manchester

TPI UK ITL3 Scorecards

Version 3 2024-11-12, 12:24
Version 2 2023-12-15, 15:16
Version 1 2023-10-16, 13:40
posted on 2024-11-12, 12:24 authored by Fatima Garcia, Fokke Reitze GoumaFokke Reitze Gouma, Olga MenukhinOlga Menukhin, Raquel Ortega-ArgilesRaquel Ortega-Argiles, William Sarsfield, Ruby Watson

The TPI UK ITL3 scorecards are produced to assess the United Kingdom's subregional productivity performance through a range of productivity indicators and drivers. These scorecards include data for 179 regions defined by the International Territorial Level 3 (ITL3). In addition, data is available for 12 aggregate ITL1 geographies, covering the whole of the United Kingdom. The Data is available for three indicators of productivity, and 12 productivity drivers. The 2024 edition refers to data for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

The current ITL3 scorecards complement previous versions of the TPI UK ITL3 Productivity Scorecards and the TPI UK ITL1 Productivity Scorecards. The TPI UK ITL3 Productivity Scorecards provide a higher level of geographical granularity. They can be used as a tool by policymakers at the regional level to assess the productivity performance in their region, both relative to their ITL1 parent region and the UK as a whole, including key indicators that influence this performance.

This dataset includes:

  • Sources and methods documentation
  • 12 PDF files with the ITL3 scorecards for each of the ITL1 regions in the United Kingdom
  • CSV data file containing harmonised input data at the ITL3 and ITL1 level
  • CSV data file containing scorecard indicators and drivers at the ITL3 and ITL1 level

TPI UK ITL3 Dashboards

The TPI Productivity Dashboards are interactive representations of the TPI UK ITL3 Scorecards. These dashboards have been created as a visualisation tool to fulfil the need for relevant data to allow policymakers to compare regional productivity performances across the country and to identify regional drivers that facilitate or hinder productivity in different UK geographic areas. Using the UK TPI Productivity Dashboards, policymakers and stakeholders can drill down to sub-regional levels and productivity measure perspectives. The Dashboards below offer an interactive and easy-to-use way to build a picture of productivity at different points in time.

Regional Interactive Dashboards:


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