Analysis of four Apollo 16 double drive tubes using QEMSCAN® mapping techniques: Implications for sampling the lunar regolith in highland terrains - Supplementary QEMSCAN images
QEMSCAN produced qualitative element maps (element in file name) and mineral phase maps of Apollo 16 double drive tube thin sections (sample generic and specific in file name). Double drive tubes; 64002/64001 (Station 4), 68002/68001 (Station 8), 60010/60009 and 60014/60013 (Station 10).
Qualitative element Maps: Al (white), Ca (yellow), Fe (red), Mg (green), Si (blue) and Ti (pink). Elements maps are in .TIF format.
QEMSCAN data collected at the University of Manchester on a FEI QUANTA 650 field emission gun (FEG) scanning electron microscope (SEM).
BSE maps of all thin sections also included. BSE maps collected at the University of Manchester on a a Hitachi TM4000Plus SEM.