Evaluating health services initiatives: How can we work effectively together?
This infographic was developed following the delivery of a workshop at the Health Services Research UK 2024 conference in Oxford, held on 9th July 2024. The workshop was titled: 'How to manage tensions when evaluating health services initiatives'.
The workshop was developed and delivered by Dr Rhiannon Hawkes (University of Manchester), Dr Sarah Cotterill (University of Manchester), Prof Annette Boaz (Kings College London) and Prof Helen Atherton (University of Southampton), and included input from NHS England.
A total of 50 people attended the workshop, who worked in academia, health policy, the NHS, charity sector organisations, funding organisations, independent service provider organisations and patients and members of the public. The attendees provided valuable insights for working effectively with different stakeholder groups and suggestions for preparing for these evaluations. The insights from this workshop have since been consolidated into an infographic, designed by illustrator James Munro (MisterMunro Ltd), which we hope will be a useful resource for anyone involved in evaluations of health services initiatives.
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester
National Institute for Health Research
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