University of Manchester

Practice Profile - Mecanoo

posted on 2024-12-16, 13:49 authored by Matthew McgillMatthew Mcgill

Practice Name and Location: Mecanoo, Delft, The Netherlands


Contribution by: Matteo Fontana, Modelmaker

In-House Modelmakers: 2

Practice Statement: In the model workshop, we provide architects with a place where they can play with shapes and ideas, where they can visualise the relationship between old and gain a better understanding of square meterage.

Models are a sort of cherry on the cake. We make models like jewels, a crown to convince clients that we have the best plan. Although renders and panels give a good idea of what we have designed, a model puts everything into perspective.

Models can also be made to communicate a feeling and an atmosphere. For example, if the plan is in a residential area, we use soft and warm colours. If it is a high-rise office building in a business district, the model takes on cooler tones.

We have developed a distinct style over the years, with many changes in terms of material and model-building techniques. With a well-equipped workshop, we are able to combine these new trends and methods while staying true to our style.

Machines/equipment/workspace available for modelmaking activity:
Laser cutter, work working area (table saw, bend saw, planer, belt sander, disk sander, fretsaw, pillar drill), 3d Printer (Stereolithography (SLA) 3d printer and Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3d printer).

Materials/processes used:

Resin, foam, wood (MDF, solid wood, plywood, veneer), acrylic, plaster

How modelmaking activities take place within the practice:

Architects ask in-house professional modelmakers to make models for them.


Usage metrics

    B.15 Model Archive Online



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