University of Manchester

Participatory data gathering and co-analysing data with participants using thematic analysis

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posted on 2022-11-25, 14:56 authored by Ivy Talisma, Fungisai Muchenje


Dr Ivy Taslima and Dr Fungisai Muchenje reflect upon their individual projects using participatory research methods, they discuss:

- Utilising participatory research within both data collection and data analysis

- The benefits of using participatory research to create a safe space for participants to express themselves and how this can produce rich data

- A novel adaptation of thematic analysis as described by Braun & Clarke to enable co-analysis of data with participants in psychological and social research 

- Insights on how participatory research can alter the traditional researcher/participant dynamics, with reflections on the themes of: power and gaze; authenticity; emotion and relationships as well as co-creation of meaning

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Additional reading: Muchenje, F., & Kelly, C. (2021). How teachers benefit from problem-solving, circle, and consultation groups: a framework synthesis of current research. Educational Psychology in Practice, 37(1), 94-112.
