University of Manchester

GPR analysis script for LUNL radiation dataset

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posted on 2021-05-07, 10:57 authored by Andrew WestAndrew West
Python code to import point gamma radiation observations collected by a Unmanned Ground Vehicle, and interpolate onto a map produced by robot SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping).

Interpolation is performed using Gaussian Process Regression, via use of the freely available GPy library.

This code specifically imports the correct map files and robot datasets for analysis, as well as outputting the result to a comma separated file, based on data taken at the Lancaster University Neutron Laboratory (LUNL).

The "directory" variable can be altered to match that of the users requirements, i.e. where the dataset, map, and map metadata reside.

This dataset is very small and should run in less than a minute on a fairly modern PC.


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