SDSD: Spatially Dense Spectroscopy Data Analysis Tool
Spatially Dense Spectroscopy Data (SDSD) is an data analysis tool for quantifying features arising in spectra from techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Piezospectroscopy (PLPS). The app enables users to extract peak positions, full-width half maxima and peak intensity to quantify spectra.
SDSD was created to analyse Raman spectroscopy data from environmental barrier coatings (EBCs). For these ceramic coating systems, analysing Raman spectroscopy data is important to understand their evolution in extreme environments. For instance, from the peak shift of these Raman spectra, the stress of the material can be inferred.
SDSD enables the quantification of spectra typically taken as a series of measurements in maps to correlate the spatial variation of the spectra with microstructure.
Going further
This MATLAB developed software is capable of expanding its use cases for a variety of spectroscopy techniques. Currently, this package has been optimised for the evaluation of ceramic coating systems, namely thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with photoluminescence piezospectroscopy (PLPS) and environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) with Raman spectroscopy.
Code access
The code is not openly accessible due to commercial sensitivity. Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate on code development or have a dataset you think would benefit from being analysed.
Get in touch
Please feel free to direct further questions to Dan Scotson,
DTP 2018-19 The University of Manchester
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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