University of Manchester

Conrad Goodwin


  • Silylamides: towards a half-century of stabilising remarkable f-element chemistry
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • Synthesis and Electronic Structures of Heavy Lanthanide Metallocenium Cations
  • Studies of hysteresis and quantum tunnelling of the magnetisation in dysprosium(iii) single molecule magnets
  • Light Lanthanide Metallocenium Cations Exhibiting Weak Equatorial Anion Interactions
  • Engineering electronic structure to prolong relaxation times in molecular qubits by minimising orbital angular momentum
  • Electronic structures of bent lanthanide(III) complexes with two N-donor ligands
  • In-Plane Thorium(IV), Uranium(IV), and Neptunium(IV) Expanded Porphyrin Complexes
  • Terbocenium: Completing a heavy lanthanide metallocenium cation family with an alternative anion abstraction strategy
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • Physicochemical Properties of Near-Linear Lanthanide(II) Bis(silylamide) Complexes (Ln = Sm, Eu, Tm, Yb)
  • Strangely attractive: Collaboration and feedback in the field of molecular magnetism
  • A double-dysprosocenium single-molecule magnet bound together with neutral ligands
  • Heteroleptic Samarium(III) Chalcogenide Complexes: Opportunities for Giant Exchange Coupling in Bridging σ- and π-Radical Lanthanide Dichalcogenides
  • Structural Characterization of Lithium and Sodium Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • Heteroleptic Samarium(III) Halide Complexes Probed by Fluorescence-Detected L3-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Salt metathesis routes to homoleptic near-linear Mg(ii) and Ca(ii) bulky bis(silyl)amide complexes
  • Low-spin 1,1′-diphosphametallocenates of chromium and iron
  • Blocking like it's hot: A synthetic chemists' path to high-temperature lanthanide single molecule magnets
  • A Single Small-Scale Plutonium Redox Reaction System Yields Three Crystallographically-Characterizable Organoplutonium Complexes
  • Isolation and electronic structures of derivatized manganocene, ferrocene and cobaltocene anions
  • Molecular magnetic hysteresis at 60 kelvin in dysprosocenium
  • Investigation into the Effects of a Trigonal-Planar Ligand Field on the Electronic Properties of Lanthanide(II) Tris(silylamide) Complexes (Ln = Sm, Eu, Tm, Yb)
  • Understanding magnetic relaxation in single-ion magnets with high blocking temperature
  • [U III {N(SiMe 2 t Bu) 2 } 3 ]: A Structurally Authenticated Trigonal Planar Actinide Complex
  • The first near-linear bis(amide) f-block complex: a blueprint for a high temperature single molecule magnet
  • Synthesis of heteroleptic yttrium and dysprosium 1,2,4-tris(trimethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl complexes
  • Expanding the Nonaqueous Chemistry of Neptunium
  • Isolation and characterization of a californium metallocene
  • Synthesis, characterization, and theoretical analysis of a plutonyl phosphine oxide complex
  • [AnI3(THF)4] (An = Np, Pu) Preparation Bypassing An0 Metal Precursors: Access to Np3+/Pu3+ Nonaqueous and Organometallic Complexes
  • Structural and Spectroscopic Comparison of Soft-Se vs. Hard-O Donor Bonding in Trivalent Americium/Neodymium Molecules
  • Complexation and Redox Chemistry of Neptunium, Plutonium and Americium with a Hydroxylaminato Ligand
  • Salt metathesis versus protonolysis routes for the synthesis of silylamide Hauser base (R2NMgX; X = halogen) and amido-Grignard (R2NMgR) complexes
  • Homoleptic Trigonal Planar Lanthanide Complexes Stabilized by Superbulky Silylamide Ligands
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • A terminal neptunium(V)-mono(oxo) complex
  • Carbene Complexes of Neptunium
  • 2.2.2-Cryptand complexes of neptunium(III) and plutonium(III)
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • Stabilization of Pu(IV) in PuBr4(OPCy3)2 and Comparisons with Structurally Similar ThX4(OPR3)2 (R = Cy, Ph) Molecules
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex
  • Carbene Complexes of Plutonium: Structure, Bonding, and Divergent Reactivity to Lanthanide Analogs
  • Exploring Synthetic Routes to Heteroleptic UIII, UIV, and ThIV Bulky Bis(silyl)amide Complexes
  • N-Heterocyclic Carbene to Actinide d-Based π-bonding Correlates with Observed Metal–Carbene Bond Length Shortening Versus Lanthanide Congeners
  • Synthesis and comparison of iso-structural f-block metal complexes (Ce, U, Np, Pu) featuring η6-arene interactions
  • What is the nature of the uranium(iii)-arene bond?
  • What is a Sandwich Complex?
  • What is a Sandwich Complex?
  • Ligand-Metal Complementarity in Rare-Earth and Actinide Chemistry
  • A Terminal Neptunium(V)-Mono(Oxo) Complex
  • Rare earth mixed sandwich complexes with tetraalkylphospholide and cyclooctatetraenide ligands
  • δ-Bonding modulates the electronic structure of formally divalent nd1 rare earth arene complexes
  • Terbocenium: completing a heavy lanthanide metallocenium cation family with an alternative anion abstraction strategy
  • Trigonal planar heteroleptic lanthanide(III) bis(silyl)amide complexes containing aminoxyl radicals and anions
  • [Am(C5Me4H)3]: An Organometallic Americium Complex

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