University of Manchester

Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America

Posted on 2023-08-09 - 14:35 authored by Peter Wade


Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America (CARLA) was a three-year project (January 2020 to May 2023) awarded a £1million grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) to explore how artists in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia address racial diversity in their work and how they use their art to challenge racism.

The project was based in the University of Manchester but research teams focused on each country brought together senior and junior, UK-based and Latin American researchers in the social sciences and arts to work with a range of artists and performers to explore diverse practices, including for example Indigenous literatures, visual arts and cinema in Brazil, hip-hop music in Brazil and Colombia, Afro-Colombian art and an Indigenous-Black organisation that uses performance as a pedagogical tool, and street dance and commercial music forms alongside literature and political art in Argentina. Project researchers worked closely with artists and performers and collaborated with them in project workshops, which also had a public-facing component.

This collection comprises 

  • The project's Wordpress website, hosted by the University of Manchester
  • The project's online exhibition, hosted by the Digital Collections of the University of Manchester
  • An archive of the files of the website that can be downloaded to a drive to create a mirror website


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Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Research ethics approval number



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