University of Manchester

Planning low-carbon reservoir investments with emission models

Version 2 2024-08-14, 15:08
Version 1 2024-08-14, 15:01
Posted on 2024-08-14 - 15:08 authored by Tomasz Janus

This collection provides supporting information in a form of text and binary files accompanying our manuscript on finding reservoir expansion futures that are near carbon-neutral and create minimal negative impacts on the environment. Please find the abstract of our manuscript below.

Reservoirs contribute between 1 and 2 percent of global man-made greenhouse gas emissions, although their individual contributions can vary widely. Broader adoption of emission models is essential for better understanding their impact on global climate and for informed planning of new investments. However, the reliance on manual processes and the uncertainty of predictions have hindered their widespread use. In this study, we propose an automated methodology suited for large-scale assessments and planning, enhanced with explanations to safeguard against uncertainties. By applying our methodology to hydropower expansion planning in Myanmar, we demonstrate the potential to reduce emissions from hydropower by 0.94 MtCO2e /year, conserve 239 km2 of arable land and forest, and decrease the number of barriers in lower river stretches from 28 to 7. Our framework not only enables estimating emissions using detailed models but also offers clear explanations, enhancing transparency essential for informed decision-making and effective policy design.


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