Novice programmers strategies for online resource use and their impact on source code
Version 2 2023-05-17, 17:41Version 2 2023-05-17, 17:41
Version 1 2023-04-04, 12:07Version 1 2023-04-04, 12:07
Posted on 2023-05-17 - 17:41 authored by Sarah Clinch
An observation study was conducted with undergraduate students. The study includes a video analysis of coding activities, an analysis of the source code written during coding, and a structured interview with participants.
This collection includes:
Instruments contain participant information sheets (PIS) and interview prompts.
The vidoe recordings.
A full set of anonymised interview transcripts
A full set of participants' source code.
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Alghamdi, Omar; Clinch, Sarah; Alhamadi, Mohammed; Jay, Caroline (2023). Novice programmers strategies for online resource use and their impact on source code. University of Manchester. Collection.