University of Manchester

Growth Areas - Maximising the role of PE, school sport and physical activity.

Published on by Sarah MacQuarrie

The research team comprised:
Dr. Alexandra Hennessey Joint-Principal Investigator
Dr. Sarah MacQuarrie Joint-Principal Investigator
Dr. Rebecca Phillips Co-Investigator
Prof. Garry Squires Co-Investigator
Dr. Rebecca Jefferson Research Assistant
Carla Mason Research Assistant
Fionnuala Mottishaw Research Assistant

The Youth Sport Trust commissioned this independent evaluation and have been a keen contributor to its success. Our thanks to Sarah Jenkins, Chris Ellis and Anthony Judge for their wisdom and enthusiasm.

The project was conducted by a team from the Manchester Institute of Education at the University of Manchester. An open science model was adopted supporting a transparent reporting of the independent evaluation, meaning the plans and final report are accessible online

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Youth Sport Trust

