University of Manchester

Analysed Data for Nanoskived GaAsP/GaAs Heterostructures: PL Spectra Fit Parameters, Geometrical Data from SEM, Transition Energies from Nextnano Simulations

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This dataset is used in the research "Improving Quantum Well Tube Homogeneity Using Strained Nanowire Heterostructures". It underpins the findings that the radial quantum well heterostructure, specifically the GaAsP/GaAs core/shell, configuration is able to host highly strained systems that improve optoelectronic homogeneity with a reduced dependence on overall morphological variations.

h5 dataset containing 3 groups of analysed data:

  • Photoluminescence (PL) map fitting data: Lasher-Stern-Wurfel (LSW) fitting parameters, coordinates of individual heterostructures within PL map, raw PL spectra and corresponding LSW fitted curves
  • Data from analysed Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images including diameters, coordinates of individual structures, solidity and eccentricity of detected heterostructures
  • Transitions energies from nextnano simulations for 10 eigenvalues at a series of quantum well (QW) widths, L, from L = 3 to 12 nm at differing phosphorous concentrations (P = 44%, 47% and 50%) in the strained systems and in an unstrained system for comparison.

Analysis scripts (MATLAB) are also provided, with a readme.txt file for instructions on how to use and replicate figures from the associated manuscript.


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