University of Manchester

FRET data for manuscript "Light-Induced Triplet–Triplet Electron Resonance Spectroscopy with Orthogonal Chromophores allows Pulsed ESR Distance Measurements between FRET Labels"

Version 2 2023-07-13, 15:22
Version 1 2023-04-25, 07:51
posted on 2023-07-13, 15:22 authored by Jack SawyerJack Sawyer

Three FRET datasets for each of the samples/experiments measured in manuscript "Light-Induced Triplet-Triplet Electron Resonance Spectroscopy with Orthogonal Chromophores allows Pulsed ESR Distance Measurements between FRET Labels".

Each dataset contains, in separate tabs: the UV/Vis absorbance spectrum of the acceptor+peptide molecule and calculated epsilon (spectrum normalised to molar extinction coefficient of acceptor), the raw and normalised fluorescence emission spectra of the donor+peptide molecule, the calculated overlap, and the raw fluorescence emission spectrum of the acceptor+peptide+donor molecule. A tab labelled values lists the values taken from literature to carry out calculations alongside values taken/calculated from the collected data.

In addition, datasets for the UV/Vis and fluorescence emission spectra used in determining the specific fluorescence quantum yield of [3] and [5] ("QYdetermination.xlsx") as well as steady state fluorescence emission anisotropy measurements for each of [1]-[5] ("Anisotropy.xlsx"). 

Experimental and computational methods are described in the SUPPORTING INFORMATION of the manuscript. DOI of the manuscript to be added after acceptance. A README is included to accompany datasets.


  • EBdonorTPPacceptor.xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [2] in manuscript.
  • TPPacceptorZnTPPdonor(567ex).xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [1] in manuscript, where 567 nm laser excitation was used: TPP was taken to be acceptor and ZnTPP was taken to be donor.
  • TPPdonorZnTPPacceptor(510ex).xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [1] in manuscript, where 510 nm laser excitation was used: TPP was taken to be donor and ZnTPP was taken to be acceptor.
  • QYdetermination.xlsx - dataset corresponding to absorption and emission spectra used in determining the fluorescence quantum yield of [3] and [5], using unbound TPP and rhodamine 6G respectively.
  • Anisotropy.xlsx - dataset containing steady state fluorescence emission anisotropy measurements for each of compounds [1]-[5].


We thank: (i) Dr. William Myers and Dr. Kevin Henbest for their help with ESR and laser instrumentation, and Prof. David Collison and Prof. Eric McInnes for proofreading the manuscript. (ii) the Royal Society and the EPSRC for a Dorothy Hodgkin fellowship (DH160004), The University of Manchester for a Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellowship, to A.M.B, (iii) the Royal Society for research grant RGF\R1\180099 and enhancement award RGF\EA\201050, to A.M.B. and A.B., (iv) The University of Manchester and EPSRC for a PhD studentship to J.S., (v) the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund, and the Community for Analytical and Measurement Science fellowship (CAMS Fellowship 2020 ACTF ref. 600310/09) to A.M.B, (vi) the Centre for Advanced Electron Spin Resonance at Oxford University (funded by UK EPSRC grant EP/L011972/1) and the EPSRC EPR National Research facility at The University of Manchester (EP/W014521/1, NS/A000055/1, EP/V035231/1 and EP/S033181/1) for access, (vii) the BBSRC for the FRET equipment, (viii) the University of Padova (Projects 08SIDID2017 and P-DiSC#04BIRD2019-UNIPD), Centro Studi “Giorgio Levi Cases” (Project: Biomolecular DSSCs) and the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR) (PRIN Projects 20173LBZM2 and 2020833Y75) for financial support to M.D.V. and M.D.Z. Molecular graphics were plotted with UCSF Chimera, developed by the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco, with support from National Institute of Health Grant P41-GM103311.
