FRET data for manuscript "Light-Induced Triplet–Triplet Electron Resonance Spectroscopy with Orthogonal Chromophores allows Pulsed ESR Distance Measurements between FRET Labels"
Three FRET datasets for each of the samples/experiments measured in manuscript "Light-Induced Triplet-Triplet Electron Resonance Spectroscopy with Orthogonal Chromophores allows Pulsed ESR Distance Measurements between FRET Labels".
Each dataset contains, in separate tabs: the UV/Vis absorbance spectrum of the acceptor+peptide molecule and calculated epsilon (spectrum normalised to molar extinction coefficient of acceptor), the raw and normalised fluorescence emission spectra of the donor+peptide molecule, the calculated overlap, and the raw fluorescence emission spectrum of the acceptor+peptide+donor molecule. A tab labelled values lists the values taken from literature to carry out calculations alongside values taken/calculated from the collected data.
In addition, datasets for the UV/Vis and fluorescence emission spectra used in determining the specific fluorescence quantum yield of [3] and [5] ("QYdetermination.xlsx") as well as steady state fluorescence emission anisotropy measurements for each of [1]-[5] ("Anisotropy.xlsx").
Experimental and computational methods are described in the SUPPORTING INFORMATION of the manuscript. DOI of the manuscript to be added after acceptance. A README is included to accompany datasets.
- EBdonorTPPacceptor.xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [2] in manuscript.
- TPPacceptorZnTPPdonor(567ex).xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [1] in manuscript, where 567 nm laser excitation was used: TPP was taken to be acceptor and ZnTPP was taken to be donor.
- TPPdonorZnTPPacceptor(510ex).xlsx - dataset corresponding to FRET measurements of sample labelled [1] in manuscript, where 510 nm laser excitation was used: TPP was taken to be donor and ZnTPP was taken to be acceptor.
- QYdetermination.xlsx - dataset corresponding to absorption and emission spectra used in determining the fluorescence quantum yield of [3] and [5], using unbound TPP and rhodamine 6G respectively.
- Anisotropy.xlsx - dataset containing steady state fluorescence emission anisotropy measurements for each of compounds [1]-[5].