Growth Areas Place based report -Profiles of Youth Sport Trust placed-based schools
The Youth Sport Trust (YST) is committed to equipping educators and empowering young people across the country and recognises that there is a need to have a heightened understanding in locations that serve young people who need access to play and sport the most.
A Place Based Approach is human-centred, community driven, dynamic and context specific. It is not one dimensional, top down, static or project focussed. YST Places will be visionary and transformative, diversify their working principles and will provide the organic growth needed to create system change and lasting self-improvement within education.
YST will use the principles of ‘Place Making’ and ‘Asset Based Community Development’ to test new and innovative approaches to tackle stubborn and systemic inequalities, create positive experiences for young people, and create lasting, system change at a local level.
These profiles make clear there are a range of challenges and opportunities associated with PE, school sports and physical activity. Valuable insights across two schools have been sourced and reflect an interest in achieving quality provision despite navigating challenging and testing circumstances. Drawing on perspectives from parents, pupils, and teachers, these profiles reveal how each school navigates the complexities of delivering PESSPA. The commitment from teachers is visible across each profile; teachers respond to contextual factors that shape each school's approach and address challenges to manage provision while managing a range of complex evolving considerations. While some strategies and experiences are shared across schools, the profiles reveal that each school must address distinct needs to maintain progress and build on provision for both staff and students and their communities.